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Read your Daily Horoscope for May 1, 2022

The Daily Horoscope for Sunday, 1 according to your Zodiac on Love, Work, Money and Health


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

The Daily Horoscope recommends you to tend to your own needs. It'll only be by feeling rewarded that you'll be able to share positivity with others. You can't live lacking elements and be useful to others around you at the same time.

Your Horoscope suggests that you look for allies today. Share your strengths and trade them in for the knowledge you're lacking.

In your career, your willpower will be tested. Don't give up. All those ups and downs are part of the process.

Don't hide away a possible ailment with sense of humour. Jokes won't help you escape any inner voids you may be feeling. Go deeper into the roots of your sorrow.

  • Aries, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

The Stars will give you the strength you need to stop thinking, Taurus. Break free from obsessive thoughts by paying closer attention to the present moment and stage. Don't anticipate anything; no one can influence the future, but we can do that with the here and now.

Financially speaking, you should try to discuss any important issue with your colleagues if you have a shared business: Agreement is key to keep going.

At work, you may not have the best day today, but it'll be just temporary.

In order to stay healthy, learn to appreciate every single detail of your life to feel better.

  • Taurus, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Gemini, you've got harsh times coming through. Your love will be boosted by this experience.

If your relationship's starting to flood up, let it sink. It wasn't meant to be.

Today you'll have a lucky strike and homerun. You'll get unexpected money.

Thank your Stars and save it all away. Not all of us can start the month with some money ahead of time.

At work, appreciate what you've got. Your efforts have turned you into the person you are now. If you can't appreciate where you're standing, you won't ever do in the long run.

Cry if you feel you need to, you don't need to justify your emotions to anyone.

  • Gemini, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Cancer, losing your temper and raging aren't good. You need to keep it all in check, try to handle your emotions better and not always let your impulses take the wheel, because it isn't good sometimes.

Your Horoscope's telling you that there's nothing wrong with getting a treat. It'll do you good, and you'll definitely deserve it after your efforts and persistence on every area.

You'll feel great today, lively and energetic enough to do anything you set your mind to. Take this chance to close pending issues off and go out into the world to eat it up.

  • Cancer, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Leo, it's clear that you like to be liked. Today your attitude will be your greatest attraction. Make the most of it.

When it comes to your economy, it'll be a peaceful day. It's the beginning of the month and you haven't received your bills yet. Enjoy this mental relaxation.

Regarding work, you should take advantage of this Sunday and disconnect from your work-related tasks to get more positive energy.

In terms of health, your Horoscope invites you to add meditation to your daily routine. It'll help you reduce stress on a daily basis.

  • Leo, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

The Daily Horoscope advises you to find a shoulder to cry on, Virgo. Perhaps the best way to release tension is to cry with a friend. Let go of your pain and find a shoulder to lean on.

Today will be very favourable for studying the possibility of investing in a business. Consider carefully every detail before making a decision.

At work, don't be anxious if you suffer a temporary blockage. Inspiration comes at the right time.

Try to keep yourself healthy by slowing down a little and engaging in quieter activities.

  • Virgo, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Libra, as far as love is concerned, you'll have to keep making effort if you want to revive your relationship.

In the economic aspect, you're going to have to tighten your belt or turn off the tap. You can use whatever metaphor you like, but stop spending your money like this.

On the work front, things have been a little weird, too. Don't worry, this rough patch is temporary.

If your body is burning with the desire to go out, don't suppress it any longer and give it what it needs.

  • Libra, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Your first day of the month in love will be in style: a great first date that will go perfectly if you keep your nerves in check.

Beware of serious household expenses today. You can avoid them if you check that everything is all right.

You get on top of things when the situation looks the worst. You love a challenge. That's why you're so good at what you do.

Take it easy in life, Scorpio. Your health needs some more relaxed times to rest and continue to perform at its best. 

  • Scorpio, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Sagittarius, heartbreak is a part of romance. You have to learn to accept feelings which aren’t so positive. You can learn more from them than you realise.

Today is a good day to give a gift to a loved one. Giving is also receiving. Share surprises and time with your loved ones.

At work, you’ll keep considering new projects and business opportunities.

As for your health, maybe you find that you can't manage a specific emotion or stress often overcomes you. In these cases, don't hesitate to ask a professional.

  • Sagittarius, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Capricorn, open your mind. Today your conceptions of love will be challenged.

Consider new ways of exploring feelings. Life awaits you outside your comfort zone.

You must have some patience until luck settles in your finances. Some projects are best cooked over a slow fire.

At work, don't allow any boundaries to be crossed. Beware of abuse of authority. Take care of your mental health at work.

Eat good food, Capricorn – your level of health depends on it. A balanced diet will satiate you completely.

  • Capricorn, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

In love, you have to learn to look at the present. Concentrate on this time, on what you are living now. 

That's the only way for the future to be as you imagine it to be.

You might have to spend money on clothes today, but you know a wedding invitation is coming... You have to start thinking about what you're going to wear.

This is not the time to ask for a raise, Aquarius. You deserve it, but your boss isn't very receptive right now.

Your health needs to improve. Get in shape with some sport.

  • Aquarius, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

The stars give you the strength you need to be more assertive, Pisces. Remember that you must prioritize yourself and love yourself most.

You should devote this day to shop for new clothes. A few purchases will cheer anyone up!

At work, it will be a very good day to reflect on your professional goals. Make the decisions you think are appropriate.

If you want to look after your mental health, don't let the bad actions of others affect you too much. Let no one interfere in your joy.

  • Pisces, keep reading your Horoscope and Compatibilites here