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Your Love Horoscope Prediction for February 16th, 2023

How will each zodiac sign fare in Love today? Discover the Daily Love Prediction for the 12 Signs, both singles and couples

Read the Love Prediction for February 16th, 2023. It'll reveal in detail what you should be expecting when it comes to matters of the heart. 

Aries Logo


(March 21st – April 19th)

Aries couples. Aries, the Love Prediction advises you not to make spontaneous decisions that may affect your coexistence. Rushing is never a good option if you want to avoid greater evils that disturb your couple. 

Aries singles. Aries, your Love Horoscope suggests you close your eyes and project what you desire. It may seem too naive, but you should never deny the power that the mind has regarding our destiny.

IMPORTANT ARIES TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Tauro Logo


(April 20th - May 20th)

Taurus couples. Taurus, your Love Horoscope shows that your stubbornness will benefit you. On most occasions, you're encouraged to soften this character trait, but today it'll help you to overcome a major obstacle.

Taurus singles. Taurus, the Love Prediction recommends that you put the halo of mystery aside today. Show your true self and act as clearly as possible because your crush needs to get to know the real you. 

IMPORTANT TAURUS TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Géminis Logo


(May 21st - June 20th)

Gemini couples. Gemini, the Love Horoscope foresees that you'll be forced into an activity that won't be to your liking. Don't let it affect your relationship, as you can't always get your own way. 

Gemini singles. Gemini, your Love Prediction points out that someone might steal your thunder today. It'll feel strange, but you shouldn't worry too much, as you'll be able to carry out your plans as expected. 

IMPORTANT GEMINI TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Cáncer Logo


(June 21st - July 22nd)

Cancer couples.  Cancer, your Love Prediction, warns you that your partner is feeling a bit overwhelmed. You aren't the main reason, but everything adds up, so try with all your strength to give him/her some space.

Cancer singles. Cancer, the Love Horoscope wants you to realize that movies, series, and books are great sources of entertainment, but you should never expect to live such stories in real life. Today, you'll lack extreme experiences, but don't forget that it's fiction. 

IMPORTANT CANCER TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Leo Logo


(July 23rd - August 22nd)

Leo couples.  Leo, the Love Prediction recommends that you simply observe the situation but do nothing about it. Don't ask for explanations because you'll get all the answers in due course.

Leo singles.  Leo, your Love Horoscope, advises you not to expect that everything you desire will suddenly fall from the sky. Life requires action, movement, and determination, so go out and take a firm step toward your goals. 

IMPORTANT LEO TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Virgo Logo


(August 23rd - September 22nd)

Virgo couples. Virgo, your Love Prediction suggests that you and your better half look each other in the eye and have an open discussion about how to approach the problem. You may refute the arguments you hear, but do it with respect. 

Virgo singles. Virgo, the Love Horoscope for today points out that it's not a stomachache you're feeling, it's butterflies. If you don't know what to do, meet up with your friends and devise a plan to reach success. 

IMPORTANT VIRGO TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Libra Logo


(September 23rd - October 22nd)

Libra couples.  Libra, your Love Horoscope shows that your partner's innocent comment about your appearance has affected you quite badly. He/she has already apologized, so stop thinking about it; it's really not the end of the world.

Libra singles.  Libra, the Love Prediction advises you not to get nervous if you can't make that special person understand what you're feeling. Unfortunately, when you point at the Moon, many simply look at the finger.

IMPORTANT LIBRA TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Escorpio Logo


(October 23rd - November 21st)

Scorpio couples.  Scorpio, the Love Prediction foresees a good day to show how much you care. You've put your heart and soul into this relationship, and your partner has proved that you can trust him/her, which is very rewarding.

Scorpio singles.  Scorpio, your Love Horoscope indicates that all those commitments and obligations have worn you down, and you're feeling tired. Take the opportunity to recover by getting away from it all and relaxing at home.

IMPORTANT SCORPIO TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Sagitario Logo


(November 22nd - December 21st)

Sagittarius couples.  Sagittarius, the Love Prediction shows that it's a great day to appreciate all the good things around you. You tend to detest routine, but try to be reasonable; you can't live adventures or carry out exciting plans on a daily basis.

Sagittarius singles.  Sagittarius, your Love Horoscope will help you have enough confidence to tell him/her what you're feeling. In fact, your smile and charm alone will do half of the work before you even have a chance to say anything. 

IMPORTANT SAGITTARIUS TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Capricornio Logo


(December 22nd - January 19th)

Capricorn couples.  Capricorn, your Love Horoscope indicates that you'll soon be surprised with some very pleasant news. It'll turn your life upside down, so take a deep breath and enjoy it. 

Capricorn singles. Capricorn, the Love Prediction encourages you to unleash your inner joy. Sometimes you observe the crazy things that your friends do and feel envious, but there's always something that prevents you from joining them. 

IMPORTANT CAPRICORN TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Acuario Logo


(January 20th - February 18th)

Aquarius couples.  Aquarius, the Love Prediction, is aware that sometimes even you don't understand yourself. Be consistent and don't ask your better half to decipher your thoughts; he/she doesn't have magical powers, as you well know.

Aquarius singles.  Aquarius, your Love Horoscope invites you to take advantage of this day to invest in your well-being. That involves your body, mind, and spirit, so don't waste time and start looking for ways to boost your happiness and self-love. 

IMPORTANT AQUARIUS TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Piscis Logo


(February 19th - March 20th)

Pisces couples.  Pisces, the Love Prediction shows that no matter how hard it may be, today you'll have to say no. Although you'll have to make an enormous effort, remember how good it feels when you do things you really feel like doing. 

Pisces singles. Pisces, your Love Horoscope warns you that you may receive a puzzling response to a message you sent a few days ago. Don't be dramatic; choose the right words, and you'll see that everything will clear up.

IMPORTANT PISCES TODAY THURSDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards