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Moon Diet: Losing Weight Thanks to the Stars

If the influence of the moon over seawater is clearly visible by watching the tides, find out how it can influence your body weight

moon diet
Moon diet: losing weight thanks to the stars | Magic Horoscope


Have you ever heard about the Moon Diet? Myths and traditions across centuries and countries all around the world have talked about the effect of the Moon in living creatures and Earth itself. Oceanic currents drive through directions set out by the gravitational forces of the Moon. A woman's menstrual cycle is parallel to the Moon's timing. Some people believe that a full moon could induce aggressive or dangerous behaviour (ever heard of werewolves?). Others think that the moon has secret spiritual powers.

Moon Diet promoters believe that its mysterious nature could be key to weight loss and detox processes. If the Moon influences the tides, why not the human body, which is made up of water almost in its entirety? It is told to be a simple, effective diet that allows for easy weight loss.


Moon Diet: The four-stage run

According to the Moon Diet, when following the Moon's stages it'll be easier for you to lose weight naturally. However, it is truly sad to know that there won't be any miracles if you don't eat well, or if you don't follow a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

The basic Moon Diet principle

From the new moon all the way to a full moon (crescent cycle), the body is in an assimilation phase, and after that, there is an elimination phase. It isn't that hard to grasp; just listen to your body and check the moon calendar.

1. Waxing crescent: the assimilation cycle

With a waxing crescent, you can eat whatever you please. According to the Moon Diet, the body is in an assimilation cycle and burns more calories, which means you can let go a little. Of course, you can't eat too many sweets: your mind should instead focus on fresh fruit and vegetables, low-cal foods, and plenty of vitamins and minerals.

2. Full moon: elimination phase

Under a full moon, you'll experience a detox run, also known as an elimination phase. It lasts for three days: the day of a full moon, the day before that, and the day after.

You should feed on one single natural food item every day. Some of the most recurring are rice, carrots, eggs or apples, but each person can make their own choices. If you're versed in nutrition, you can choose a vegetable that naturally cleanses the liver, like black radish. It is highly recommended to drink plenty of water.

3. Waning crescent: weight loss stage

Once the waning crescent stage begins, the body gets rid of excess for 12 days. You should make it easier for your body to progress by eating detoxifying herbs (dandelion, rosemary...). When you eat, have plenty of fiber, artichokes, and don't mix red meat with starchy foods.

4. New moon: the monodiet

Under a new moon, go on a single-food diet again. In this stage, the body takes an even deeper cleanse. Nettle, birch and black radish are great allies to leave your kidneys, intestines and skin better than ever before.

The Moon Diet: Fasting run

There's another Moon Diet that promotes fasting linked to changes in the lunar cycle. It comes from Italy and was created by Rolando Ricci, an orthopaedian and traumatology expert, in the late 1980s. Its followers claim that you can lose up to around 2 pounds a day, but it has a serious rebound effect, so it is recommended that you do it under close medical supervision.

What can we eat during a Moon Diet?

Since we said that the main goal is fasting, you should settle for liquids: mineral water, teas, natural fruit juice and vegetable broths. Fasting should begin when the Moon changes stages, before a new or full moon. There's lunar calendars that show the exact time of change. Then, we'll take a diet for 26 hours, a full day plus 2 hours at the end.

According to Ricci, the weight sheds off because of our body's water-absorbing capacities, which are connected with the attraction that the Moon exerts on liquids. This means that, just like seas and oceans, our body's water can follow the Moon's set pace.

An example of Moon Diet menu

Breakfast:  red tea and orange juice.

Mid-morning and afternoon snack: a juice or infusion.

Lunch: a big bowl of vegetable broth with a glass of water.

Snack:  a cup of lime, and some grapefruit juice.

Dinner: another bowl of vegetable broth with water.

Natural and freshly-pressed fruit and vegetable juice are also good choices to give your body nutrients and energy, but in a clean way. Honey tea is allowed, but no more sugar than that. Liquids with sugar, fat or salt interfere with the weight loss and are forbidden. So bid a fond farewell to alcoholic drinks, milk or any liquids that contain sugar or additives.

Watch out! This article is just informational

There are many associations that point out that there's no scientific basis for the Moon's stages to produce weight loss. There's also the fact that a full fast can induce weight loss, but only at a short term if measures for a healthier lifestyle aren't taken. If you're overweight, the best thing you can do is see a nutritionist or endocrinologist to assess your case and create a diet plan that's perfectly suited to your needs.